Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Crazy Days

This past week has been a complete whirlwind. It's been full of ups and downs...times of complete joy and moments of tears.
For those of you who know the situation, you know that we found a home in the exact area where we want to live. This was thrilling for us. However, as of this morning, we found out that the timing is just not right.
We went into this thinking that if this is where the Lord wants us to be right now, that He will provide a way, as long as we do our part to the best of our ability.
Part of me is SO angry at what has happened in this country with the housing and lending markets. I cannot believe that people were such IDIOTS, and that those in authority allowed them to be. The situation is so dire right now. Even with amazing credit, and good jobs and a growing business, it is impossible for the "good guys" to get what they want.
But as much as I want to whine and complain right now, I have to be grateful and thankful to have a home, to have an amazing husband who loves me more than I deserve, and 4 happy and healthy children.
I am so blessed.
Even if I don't have 4 toilets.
Have a beautiful day!

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